Page 12 - PLP December 2022 Primary
P. 12
12 High Points of the First Term December 2022 Primary The Pupils Share their Highlights
of the First Term of the School Year
Year 5
The highlight of this year so far has been chocotopia because I was intrigued of discovering how chocolate was made. Bruno
The highlight of Year 5 for me was math lessons and math mentors because
I learned how to add mixed fractions, how to convert fractions and how to subtract fractions. Kushi
My highlight of the year was chocotopia because I enjoyed the all the chocolate. Sophia Z
The highlight of Year 5 for me would
be Chocotopia and the Park Lane Mile because in chocotopia we made our own chocolate and looked at the process how it was made and I liked the park lane mile because I am fast and I love running.But
I also like Benchball because it was fun and I love sports. Leontina
I liked the chocotopia trip and that we are learning about the titanic. Tobias
My highlight for Y5 was the chocotopia trip because it was very fun and the Benchball because it was very fun. Pranshi
My highlight is when the chocotopia guy showed us the mechanical stuff. Yukun
My highlight of Year 5 so far was the chocolate making in chocotopia, the Tuesday math club and learning about the Titanic. Jan
My highlight so far in year 5 was the aquathlons, chocotopia and Titanic. Freya
Year 6
I enjoyed the spray painting. Christina
i also really liked the spray painting. Lena
I enjoyed the spray painting and I liked the Science trip. Sahanaa
I also really enjoyed the spray painting,
I really liked the designs that they had.
It was fun actually spray painting the design although sometimes it did not come as planned so some of us just had to get creative. They had cool colours and in the end I think that all the paintings turned out amazing. Elena
Year 4
The victorian Day. FrantiĊĦek
I also liked Victorian school day. Ariel