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10 Primary Classroom Displays September 2021 Primary Primary Classroom Displays
In Early Years and Primary we have
a large number of high quality displays in classrooms celebrating pupil’s work. Some of the advantages of classroom displays are:
▨ Celebrate pupils and their learning
▨ They help to set the scene
of a new ‘topic’
▨ To stimulate and create pupil interest
▨ Reinforce learning
▨ To motivate and inspire
▨ They communicate what the class is doing
▨ Used to support pupil learning
In our Reception class at Sibeliova we have been busy doing a topic on Mini- beasts. “Our Bug Jars” display board is filled with minibeasts that the children have drawn or painted. There has
been much excitement and engaged learn- ing through this topic.
Rainbow Fish
Rainbow Fish is a delightful book to help children with their Personal, Social, and Emotional Development. There are many opportunities to discuss sharing, and how it makes us feel, both positively and neg- atively. The children have also developed a number of other skills while engaged
in this book; designing their own Rain- bow Fish, making octopus, writing and phonics, cutting and sticking, counting, working together in a group and retelling a story. One book with so many learn-
ing opportunities – definitely a Nursery favourite.
Mrs Debbie
The Gruffalo Display
During the school year, Y1A’s classroom turned into an ‘Enchanted Forest’ and spe- cific attention has been paid to everyone’s favourite Julia Donaldson book, The Gruf- falo. The children created the Monet-es- que backgrounds for all of the walls and their work, which includes adjectives and story maps, has been added to the main display. Trees from outside, which would otherwise have been discarded, have been brought inside to help create a magical atmosphere for the children to learn in.
Miss Angharad
This is the Nursery/ Reception maths area here at the Nessie Prague 5 site. The items displayed are being used by the children independently to support their learning. They access these throughout the day to use within their play. These items encour- age collaboration with others as can be seen through the board games provided. Many of the items are what we call open ended which allow the children to explore and use them as they wish.
Mrs Dawn