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08 2020-2021 Highlights of Y6 September 2021 Primary 2020–2021 Highlights of Y6
 Honestly, I’m not sure if I even have
a best memory because I had a great time throughout the entire year and I don’t regret any of it. I loved cracking WW2 codes and l also loved solving the murder mystery in our corridoor. I enjoyed mak- ing my own lighthouse and I liked making clay animals that lived on our imaginary islands. — Barbora Jurikova 6K
Year 6 has been one of the best classes that I have had while I was at Park Lane. From the best teacher that you could ask for, to the funniest classmates, not even COVID could prevent me from having
a ton of fun. Some of my favourite mem- ories include: Dressing up for Roald Dahl day, taking a trip to the Prague Castle, do- ing all the activities on sports day, having the class party, all the wonderful lessons that we had and all the zoom classes too.
I also loved letting my imagination run free while making our own islands and species (and then creating them out of clay), and using our skills to create beau- tiful lighthouses. I vividly remember the gruesome crime scene about the highway- man. I really enjoyed playing in the moun- tains of snow and then painting a winter wonderland in art. The list could go on and on. Year 6 was the best class to end primary school and has created cherished memories that I will remember for the rest of my life. — Lea Karakelova 6K
I have a lot of wonderful and heartwarm- ing memories, but one of my favorites was just a couple of weeks ago when we com- pleted fun activities on Sports day. I even won a silver medal for throwing the medi- cine ball. We also tried to jump the highest we could and threw an arrow to see who threw it the furthest. — Honzik Knepr 6K
This year was a mix of emotions and expe- riences. Also, for me, it was a fresh start to a new school – to Park Lane. It was a very testing yet interesting academic year, and I definitely do not regret coming to this fantastic and organized school. I really enjoyed all of the different activities that we did, and I found it a lot of fun. Although distance learning was an uncomfortable obstacle for learning (and I am sure for teaching, too), I thought it was also an excellent chance to become more inde- pendent. The one thing that was a great loss during DLP was not being able to meet my friends in person and play with them. Writing the different stories and reports was a thing I really enjoyed, as writing is one of my hobbies. My favorite subject this year was maths, and the algebra we did. Finally, I would like to mention my friends, Miss Esther and Miss Sarah, who helped me overcome the different challenges of this year, and guided me through this new school. — Matyas Kafka 6E
Year 6 is a year that I will forever remem-
ber, a year of joy and euphoria, a year of fun and learning. In the year 6 subjects,
I have learned many things and learnt to work hard and aim for above and beyond. Maths is a subject that helped me learn patience and teamwork along with listen- ing. English taught me to use the mind, the imagination, close your eyes and copy your thoughts. Science helped me to ex- periment and try new things. It has helped me feel more courageous when trying new things. PE has taught me to never give
up – you don't stop, you need to reach the goal. Creative Activities have taught me to expand my mind, to open it up to different things and ideas. Drama has taught me to feel, to know how someone feels, to be in someone's shoes. Subjects may seem like a normal thing where you learn algebra or grammar, but it contains more than meets the eye, it can really teach you more than you think. Ms. Esther and Ms. Sarah have guided us through the year of year 6. They have taught us new things and taught us understanding, patience, sympathy. They have been a colossal help to us students and me. It has been a wonderful year of learning, these new experiences have taught me things that will hopefully help me in the future. Ms. Esther is a marvel- lous teacher, we often have laughs with her, we often talk about what has been
on our minds and what is troubling us, Ms. Esther is a person that I can trust,
I can talk to her about anything that has been troubling me or anything that hap- pened. Ms. Sarah is a wonderful teaching assistant and is full of joy. We often have laughs with her too and she also helps
us greatly, she assists us when we are puzzled and do not understand something and is a great helper. — Alain Illincev 6E

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