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06 Photography Competition September 2021 Primary Photography Competition 2021
Young Park Lane photographers were asked to get creative and capture images of animals around them – from their own pets to the amazingly diverse wildlife outside their back door.
The judging panel of the Primary teachers found making the winning decisions ex- tremely hard. The quality of entries were outstanding and each photo brings the viewer so many warm feelings.
We were overwhelmed by the standard of photographs this year. It was a big chal- lenge to choose the best animal photo. We used the following Criteria for Judging the Photo Contest:
▨ Appropriateness to Theme ▨ Uniqueness of Concept
▨ Originality
▨ Clarity of Expression
▨ Humor
▨ Creativity
▨ Innovative Means of Delivering Message ▨ Entertainment Quality
Art Subject Leader – Mrs Ewelina
Primary Photography Competition Winners:
KS1 Year 1/2
First Place Gréta 1J
Second Place Arian 2L
Third Place Nika Year 1AD/ Agniya 1AD
KS2 Year 3/4
First Place Sam 3S Second Place Joaco 3S Third Place Lena 4N
KS2 Year 5/6
First Place Julie P. 6E Second Place Sophia E. 5MG Third Place Sam A. 5M