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04 Highlights September 2021 Primary Highlights
Fruit Salad Fun
What a great time the pupils had today in our first ever international cooking com- petition! We made two fruit salads: one that was a rocket flying into space and the other was a happy rabbit surrounded by flowers. The pupils all worked so well together and really enjoyed snacking on their creations! Although we did not win, we still had a fantastic time and hope to be able to do something like this again!
Miss Andrea
Speech Therapy
We are pleased to announce Park Lane has set up professional Speech Therapy consultancy to support pupil’s speech, language and communication skills, par- ticularly in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.
Last Wednesday the Speech Therapist visited Norbertov to assess some of our pupils in Reception and Year 1. The next visit will take place on Wednesday 2nd June and the focus will be on our Year 2 pupils.
Cooking Competition Final
On Thursday 24th June Year 5 children along with Miss Andrea took part in the final round of the cooking competition that they entered. The Year 5 pupils had to create a two-course meal based on a fairy tale. The pupils chose The Lion King and decided to make a salad with vegetable “bugs” and bread “logs”. They also made some hummus and decorated it to look like a lion. Everyone had a really great time! We are looking forward to having the op- portunity to do something like this again!
The Princess and the Dragon
Year 2 Project Learners enjoyed sharing with the pupils in their class the work they have been doing in Project Learning with the help of the Project Learning Teacher Mrs Eweli- na. On Friday 18th June they performed the story of the Princess and the Dragon.