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Prize Winners Celebration Y3–5 2021
Towards the end of June was a time for celebration as we held our annual Prize Winners event. Once again, this year it was held on the school grounds at Nor- bertov for Y3–Y5 and it was an occasion
to recognise, reward and celebrate the achievements of our children. It has been an extraordinary year, and these pupils have demonstrated their “can-do” spirit and resolve throughout. Pupils in Y3–6 were recognised and awarded for academ- ic attainment in English, Mathematics and Czech. In addition to this, due to the distance learning programme which
was in operation for a large part of this school year we rewarded children who demonstrated one of our 5r’s throughout their time learning at home, attending daily zoom sessions and completing all of their online work. Our 5R’s (responsibility, respect, resilience, resourcefulness and risk-taking).
▨ Responsible learners who helped others, respected the rights of others and took responsibility for themselves and their learning.
▨ Resilient learners who persevered, never gave up and stayed positive while working from home.
▨ Resourceful learners who asked questions, took risks and thought for themselves.
Prague 5 Nessie
Sports Day
Staff and children at Prague 5 Nessie had a wonderful jam-packed sports afternoon organised by Mr Tom at the Mrazovka sports field. The children participated in team and individual events. Including the sack race, sprint, and, dress the teacher. Much fun and hilarity were had by all on a very warm afternoon.
Mrs Dawn
September 2021 Highlights 05
 3D Printer
 In recent weeks Primary School pur- chased a 3D printer to support Teaching and Learning across the curriculum. Last term pupils in Key Stage 2 learned to use a 3D design tool called TinkerCAD. Their task was to create a castle completely independently. Now that we have a 3D printer we can try and print some of the designs. Below you can see a picture of
a before and after.
Year 5 is currently working on Tudors Topic and with that in mind we are in the process of printing a 3D Tudor Rose for every pupil in Year 5 to decorate. Keep
an eye out on the Year 5 Class Dojo and future Primary Updates for the results!
In lower Key Stage 1 Phonics is a crucial part of the learning. With the advent of masks it is sometimes hard to show how to properly pronounce some of the sounds while adhering to social distancing guide- lines. With that in mind we are printing face shields for the Teachers that require it for Phonics lessons.
Stay tuned for future updates as we ex- plore the capabilities of the 3D printer and find new and exciting ways to enhance teaching and learning across Primary!
Glorious Garden
The children from Sibeliova love sum- mertime at school. Our garden is such an important and active part of our day.
Whether children walk along the sensory path, imagine who lives inside the tree, watch the birds, pick the raspberries or help to grow the fruits and vegetables, everyone arrives and leaves with a big smile on their face.

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