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~ Students ~
The Tajiri Arts students were my paramount concern. I wanted them to be the best they could possibly be. Therefore, we challenged
their creativity, gifts, and abilities. We stretched their intellectual capacity continually. The Tajiri instructors taught them to
passionately explore and positively express what God placed inside them. These young boys and girls surpassed my expectations, and
so many of them aspired to heights I never dreamed about. I have recalled as many names as possible, and if a name has been missed,
please know that it is an honest matter of recollection! I am blessed to have known each student.
Allen, Ricardo Brooks, Jane Coleman, Robert
Amie, Duana Brooks, Nicole Cooks, Tony
Anderson, Alex Brown, Joshua Cooper, Garnell
Arnwine, Danielle Brown, Kendra Currie, Debra
Baker, Anika Brown, Kenneth Dale, Kylia
Barnes, Senita Brown, Summer Debose, Dekaywan
Bell, Tiffany Bryant, Daisha Debose, Kawan
Betts, Carla Buckner, Justin Doe, Katrina
Biggers, Nikisha Caffey, Elias Doe, Reginald
Bolin, Karma Campbell, Ashley Doe, Tracy
Borders, Robin Chatman, Troy Dubose, Jasmine
Boykins, Rufus Chavers, Carneshia English, Angelica
Bradley, Arthur Chisolm, Benjamin Fair, Thaddeus
Brett, Dijon Chisolm, Jason Faison, Quintana
Brinson, Kimberly Cody, Katrina Ferguson, Victoria
Britton, Sheena Cody, Keisha Fisher, Elijah