Page 314 - From the Outhouse 4 -21
P. 314
F R O M T H E O U T H O U S E T O T H E L I T T L E R E D S C H O O L H O U S E : | 314
Surprisingly, burglaries started to occur. I was now living alone and frighten. Our home was surrounded by woods on the side
and in the back. The first burglary was held one Sunday morning while I was at church. My door was kicked in and a television
stolen while the alarm was on. In the next couple of weeks there were other attempted burglaries all happening in the morning
while I was home. Then three weeks later two teenagers started to break the glass out of my back door. Fortunately, they were
caught in the woods by the Police dogs. Then there was one more and this entrance was attempted through my garage.
Fortunately, my son came home that weekend and stated that Mom “it’s time to move near me.”
This now became The Abraham Departure 2 as stated in the Bible, in Genesis, Chapter 12, Verse 1 (King James Version):
Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a
land that I will shew thee.
Before I left, I made a court appearance to testify of the fourth burglary. I wrote a letter to the Judge which stated: