Page 16 - EURO-LUZA
P. 16

T h e   b e s t   p r o d u c t s ,   H a p p y   P r i c e s . .
      Q U A L I T Y - T R U S T - A E S T H E T I C S

                                        SOME OTHER PRODUCTS & GALERIA

         Hersteller garantie
        EURO-LUZA Lighting
                                          If you order a certain number of times, we can provide

                                                            you with the best prices.

       E L I T E   3   P C S   Y E L L O W   B L A C K   M E T A L   B O D Y   G R A Y   G L A S S
                      L U X U R Y   C H A N D E L I E R
        Metal body in yellow and black color. It is a very stylish and modern triple
        chandelier model with its smoked globe glasses. The length of the product
        can  be  extended  or  shortened  from  the  cable  section  as  desired.  Our
        product is available in single pendant, double pendant, table lamp, sconce
        and  floor  lamp  models.  Decorative  lighting  suitable  for  home  and  living
        Socket Type:E27-Max 3x100W
        Electrical installation equipment in CE Standards.
        Product Size Diameter: 32 cm. Height: 50 cm. Cable
        Length: 50cm.
        Box Size Width: 36 cm Height: 36 cm Height: 28 cm
        Weight: 2.2 kg.
        Bulbs are not included in our products.

                           E L I T   Y E L L O W - B L A C K   M E T A L   B O D Y   G R A Y   G L A S S   D E S I G N   F L O O R   L I G H T I N G

                                                                   Socket Type:E27-Max 100W
                      Metal  body  in  yellow  and  black  color.  It  is  a  very  stylish  and  Electrical installation equipment in CE Standards.
                      modern  floor  lighting  model  with  its  smoked  globe  glass.  Our  Product Size Diameter: 30 cm. Height: 160 cm.
                      product  is  available  in  single  pendant,  double  pendant,  triple  Box Size Width:30 cm Length:160 cm Height: 30 cm
                      pendant,  table  lamp  and  sconce  models.  Decorative  lighting  Weight: 3.3 kg.
                      suitable for home and living spaces. On/off button via key.
                                                                   Bulbs are not included in our products.
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