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What our
               Easy to order                    3 Convenient

               by phone, email, online...       ways to pay...                          customers say

                   0330 999 2233                1.  Credit/Debit Card                   All round good service
                                                                                        from product to on the
                  01572 770133                                                          phone.
                                                         Steve R, Exeter

                   2.  30 Day Credit Account
                                                    You may already have a 30 day       Very helpful and
                                                    credit account set up.  To find     informative about the
                                                    out, call our Customer Care         products. Go out of their
               ...or by post to                     Team on 0330 999 2233.  If you      way to find the product I

               Fire Depot, Sentura House,           don’t have an account, please       need.
                                                                                        Ian W, Director, London
               3 Lands End Way, Oakham,             ask our Customer Care Team
                                                    to help you set one up.  New
               Rutland, LE15 6RB
                                                    customers are eligible for £500
                                                    instant credit although please      We deal with loads of
                                                                                        different suppliers and
                                                    note that credit facilities are     they are by far the best.
               Office opening hours:                subject to status.                  Customer service is
               Monday - Friday                  3.  Payment by BACS                     Craig E, Director, Bristol
               8am - 5pm
                                                    Our bank account details can be
                                                    found on your invoice. Please
               PLUS Out of hours                    quote your account reference        Been using them for
               answering service and                number with your payment.           years and they’ve always
               online ordering                                                          been brilliant.
                                                                                        Lauren, Sheffield.

            Fast delivery...                               Order by 4pm for next day delivery as standard!

              Order              Less     £50 -     Over
              Value              than     £250 **  £250 **
                                 £50 **

              Fast **             £5      Free      Free
              Next day delivery

              Faster **
              Next day           £10       £5       £10
              Before 12 noon

              Fastest **
              Next day           £15       £10      £20
              before 10.30am
                                                                                                     Next day
                                                                                              delivery available
              Saturday **        £15       £20      £35                                 Delivery within 48 hours

                                                                                        Delivery within 3-4 days.
            *excluding VAT   **exclusions apply see map for details                  £750 min order value applies
            *Delivery charges apply to UK offshore locations including Channel Islands, Isles
            of Scilly, Isle of Man, Republic of Ireland & Northern Ireland       Please note: Delivery services cannot be guaranteed.
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