Page 2 - E-Book_UAS PBA
P. 2


        The 2013 curriculum recognizes the important role of English in conveying ideas

        beyond the boundaries of the Indonesian state and for absorbing ideas from

        outside that can be used for the benefit of the nation and state as a result of

        the  flat  world.  The  2013  curriculum  is  designed  to  welcome  the  21st-century

        learning  model.  In  it,  there  is  a  shift  in  learning  from  students  being  told  to

        being  students  finding  out  from  various  learning  sources  beyond  the

        boundaries  of  teachers  and  academic  units.  The  role  of  English  in  such  a

        learning  model  is  very  central  considering  that  there  are  more  learning

        resources  in  English  than  all  learning  resources  in  all  other  languages


        In  line  with  the  above  roles,  English  lessons  for  Class  2  in  elementary  school

        presented  in  this  book  are  structured  to  improve  language  skills.  The

        presentation uses a text-based learning approach, both spoken and written, by

        placing English as a means of communication. Understanding the types, rules,

        and context of a text is emphasized so that it makes it easier for students to

        grasp the meaning contained in a text and present ideas in appropriate text

        form so that others can easily understand them.
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