P. 6

Narrative Text Types

                   Fairy Tales                                             Legend

                Fairy tales or fairy tales usually have            legend usually tells the story of the
              imaginative and non-real characters like           original origin of a place but its truth is
                fairies, monsters, goblins, and usually         still questioned. The legend has become
                             have magic.                        the belief of the locals. For example, the
                                                                          legend of Lake Toba.

                  Fable fables                                              Myths

              ables are stories of animals who behave              myths are not much different from
               like humans. This kind of narrative text          legends but the myth is regarded as a

               usually has a lot of moral messages. An              fact of events in the past and is
                  example of a famous fable is the                  associated with the present. For
                              Chancellor.                             example, the story of Aji Saka

                      Folklores                                        Romances

                people's stories are stories that are           Romances or romance stories are a type

               descended from age to become part of             of narrative text that has a focus on the
              the culture of society. An example of the              love struggle story of a couple.
                 famous story is red garlic and white
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