Page 2 - Helen_Spec_v2
P. 2

Helen is something of a departure for Ritsu, it
          offers garage space for two vehicles with a car   SPECIFICATION
          port for a further two vehicles under a car-port.
                                                            Norway Spruce, from managed and sustained forests in Fin-
          But Helen is something more than just a           land.
          garage, it’s a flexible solution to a variety of
          needs built around your cars be they              L O G   S I Z E S
          collectors vehicles or just treasured family
          cars.                                             ● Square - 202 mm externally
                                                            ● Square - 114 mm internally
          A workshop or garden store - it’s your call?

          Offices over or accommodation it’s your call.

          Helen is a standard model and benefits the
          customer by reducing design costs and time.

                                                                                                 Ella Rear

                                                                                                 Greg Rear

                                                                                                 Ella Internal
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