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        Rethinking Timber in Homes

        = increasing demand on our planets finite

        The need to cut global emissions of carbon dioxide   Yet global CO2 emissions have increased by more than
        enters our thinking daily in broadcast news, radio,  50% since 1990, driven, in part, by our insatiable
        online, in our newspapers and on social media.       demand for new homes and places of work.

        Meanwhile in the UK and in many other parts of the   If we take just two commonly used building materials -
        world we face the increasing pressures of population  steel and concrete, then between them they account for
        growth and of spreading urbanisation. The case for   around 14% of global CO2 emissions. Of course both
        more new homes in the UK is also a topic of          are widely used in infrastructure projects but curbing
        conversation across the same platforms.              their use in our homes and places of work, will help to
                                                             reduce the impact on our atmosphere.
        Worldwide it is thought that we need around 2 bn
        square metres of new stock each year until at least  The average household in the UK emits about 2.7
        2025.                                                tonnes of CO2 per annum - we need up to 345,000 new
                                                             homes per year!

        Figure 1.  Merike - Log Home, or Holiday Home
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