Page 2 - Gertrud_Spec_v2
P. 2

Gertrud is technically a Summerhouse - some
          summerhouse!                                      SPECIFICATION

          Whatever use you put Gertrud to we are sure       Norway Spruce, from managed and sustained forests in Fin-
          your thinking is likely not as a summerhouse -    land.
          but who knows?
                                                            L O G   S I Z E S
          At 130 square metres Gertrud is an impressive
          log building by any measure, with three/four      ● Square - 202 mm externally
          bedrooms including three double bedrooms,         ● Square - 114 mm internally
          with the rest of the house in comfortable pro-

          Gertrud is a building designed to face one way -
          to the sun and/or the best view, arriving at the
          front, it’s the rear where Gertrud comes togeth-
          er to create a fabulous home!

          Gertrud is a standard model and benefits the
          customer by reducing design costs and time.

                                                                                             Other Options?

                                                                                                 Marvi Front

                                                                                                 Paul Rear

                                                                                                 Mauri Front
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