Page 7 - Kadri_Spec_v2
P. 7
Think very carefully about what it is that you want
from your home or holiday let - bear in mind once
your home enters production changes are very dif-
ficult to implement and this follows with erection.
Our standard models make this somewhat easier
and if you feel that a standard model suits your
Having worked around the construction sector for many years
needs, perhaps with some minor changes effected
supplying windows, doors and internal doors into many self-build
then that is a way to move forward, it makes your
projects we have seen overspending on budgets as a serious
build quicker and more cost-effective. problem as it often affects build quality and robs clients of parts
of their dream!
If you feel that designing your home or holiday let For clients using Ritsu log buildings staying within budget is
is for you then we can work through your require- somewhat easier!
ments towards a design that is technically possible
(most are), take Gloria for example, it’s as big as 5
average 2 bed homes in the UK.
Across all of its markets, nearly 90% of the homes W E A R E Y O U R D E S I G N E R & A R C H I T E C T
we build are now bespoke in design, it’s an area Whether you are working from a standard design or de-
then where have have a lot of experience in get- signing from scratch, we start with your own design ideas
ting it right! and physical requirements (number of bedrooms, bath-
rooms, etc.) and begin to sketch out your ideas.
Sufficiently detailed, our own architects in Estonia take
Paragraph 80 your ideas, turning them into the home you aspire to. We
undertake many of the functions of an architect, though
not all, saving you money.
Many of you will be looking to build family homes
in rural areas, possibly you may never have heard
of Paragraph 80.
Paragraph 80 refers to the section of the National
W E A R E Y O U R S T R U C T U R A L E N G I N E E R ,
Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) which sets out
As we work on your design we use our long experience
the government guidelines for building new
with timber and log cabins and build in the structural
isolated homes in rural areas.
loading required within your building - each timber beam
serves as a structural component of the design, light, yet
The framework for building new homes in open
strong, meaning you normally no longer require the servic-
countryside has largely stayed the same, with one
es of a structural engineer.
important change from Paragraph 79 where the
term "innovative" has been removed and replaced
with "truly outstanding" which grants greater
design freedom over a builds innovative nature.
It could be your route to a truly "outstanding"
family timber log home in the country by
W E A R E Y O U R B U I L D E R ,
increasing your chances of a successful planning
We are your builder, we remove the need for many trades
on site and the materials they use, we are much faster to
reach second fix and get you into your home than most
other build types. We are not dealing with novel designs,
1. Kadri (rear) materials or techniques, everything is tried and tested and
2. Tallinn in winter
3. St Magdalene Church we know to the last light switch what the final cost of
4. Selective forestry in Finland your build will be - keeping you on budget!