Page 4 - DoMS Placement Brochure 2021-22 - VoX
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                     It  brings  me  great  pleasure  to  inform  you  that  the

            Department of  Management  Studies,  University  of  Madras  is

            releasing  its  Annual  Placement  Brochure  for  the  academic

            year  2021-2022. The Department's proactive dedication to its key

            stakeholders, its students, is evident in this Recruiters' Guide.

                   The  Placement  Brochure  will  act  as  an  interface,  between

            the            industrialists                        and               professionals,                          providing                      an

            opportunity                      to  recognize  the  academic  excellence  of  our


                   I  appreciate  the  Department  of  Management  Studies  on  a

            job well  done  in  publishing  this  Brochure,  which  includes

            all pertinent  information  about  the  Department,  its  activities,

            and accomplishments.

                   I cordially invite members of the business community to visit

            our  campus  to  meet  our  outstanding  and  hardworking

            students of the 2021-2022 class.

                    Any  information  you  require  will  be  gladly  provided  by  the

            Office  for                    Placement                       Services.                  Our             MBA               program's

            challenging,  comprehensive  curriculum  instills  in  students

            creative  thinking and effective leadership.

                   I eagerly anticipate your support and cooperation.

            to its full potential, both academically and socially.

                                                                                                         Professor S. GOWRI

                                                                                                                  Vice Chancellor

                                                                                                              University of Madras

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