Page 9 - Handbook for Employers - Guidance for Completing Form I-9
P. 9

Failure to Complete Section 1                        selection from List C. If an employee presents a List A
                                                                 document, do not ask or require the employee to present
            You must ensure that all parts of Form I-9 are properly   List B or List C documents. If an employee presents
            completed; otherwise, you may be subject to penalties   List B and List C documents, do not ask or require the
            under federal law. Section 1 must be completed no later   employee to present a List A document.
            than the end of the employee’s first day of employment.
            You may not ask an individual who has not accepted   You must accept any document(s) from the Lists of
            a job offer to complete Section 1. Before completing   Acceptable Documents that reasonably appear on their
            Section 2, you should review Section 1 to ensure the   face to be genuine and relate to the person presenting
            employee completed it properly. If you find any errors   them. You may not specify which document(s) the
            in Section 1, have the employee make any necessary   employee must present. Enter the document title, issuing
            corrections and initial and date them.               authority, number, and expiration date (if any) in Section
                                                                 2 from original documents supplied by employee. If you
            Completing Section 2                                 choose to make copies of the documents, do so for all
                                                                 employees, regardless of national origin or citizenship
            Within three business days of the date employment    status, or you may be in violation of anti-discrimination
            begins, the employee must present to you an original   laws. Return the original documents to your employee.
            document or documents that show their identity and
            employment authorization.  For example, if an employee   Fill in the date employment begins and information in
            begins employment on Monday, you must review the     the certification block. Sign and date Form I-9.
            employee’s documentation and complete Section 2 on
            or before Thursday of that week. However, if you hire   NOTE: If you participate in E-Verify, you may only accept
            an individual for less than three business days, you must   List B documents that bear a photograph. For more
            complete Section 2 no later than the end of the first   information, visit
            day of employment. The employee must be allowed to
            choose which document(s) they will present from the   You may designate or contract with someone such
            Form I-9 Lists of Acceptable Documents. You cannot   as a personnel officer, foreman, agent, or anyone else
            specify which document(s) an employee will present   acting on your behalf, including a notary public,
            from the list.                                       to complete Section 2. Note that anyone else who
                                                                 completes Form I-9 on your behalf must carry out full
            Physically examine each original document the        Form I-9 responsibilities. It is not acceptable for the
            employee presents to determine if the document       designated person to physically examine the employee’s
            reasonably appears to be genuine and relates to the   employment authorization and identity documents,
            person presenting it. Make sure the person who       and leave Section 2 for you to complete.   You are liable
            examines the documents is the same person who attests   for any violations in connection with the form or the
            and signs Section 2.                                 verification process, including any violations of the
                                                                 employer sanctions laws committed by the person
            The employee must be physically present with the     designated to act on your behalf.
            document examiner. Examine one selection from List A
            or a combination of one selection from List B and one

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