Page 6 - Family First Firm - Medicaid Welcome Kit
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If I have more than the $2,000 asset limit - can I still qualify?
Yes! That’s why you’re meeting with us. In Florida, we have more options than any other
state when it comes to protecting assets so we can still get you the help you need. You’ve
paid into Medicaid your entire life so why not use it?
If I pay privately, how much does a nursing home cost?
The nationwide average nursing home costs over $130,000 per year. However, in Florida,
that number is closer to $150,000 per year. That’s a lot of money!
This sounds too good to be true! Do I need to worry about anything?
We have handled thousands of Medicaid applications successfully for our clients! We
disclose everything to the Department of Children and Families and we operate within
their rules and requirements to get our clients approved. If you’re working with us - you
don’t need to worry. Just sit back and let us navigate the process for you.
What should I expect once I hire you?
This process is no longer your problem - it’s ours. We will guide you through every step of
the way. We will do as much as we can for you, but there will be areas where you are
required to take action. Don't worry, we'll help you understand exactly what you’re
supposed to do and when you have to do it. Best of all, you can reach out to us as much
as you want because we are not a billable hour firm which means your legal fee includes
all questions, documents, meetings, and legal work needed to resolve your case.
Sounds great! What does it cost to do this?
We charge approximately one month’s rent in the facility to do everything we have to do
to get your loved one qualified. Then Medicaid pays the rest. Think of it as a 1,200% return
on investment in the first year!
Is there anything else I should know?
Our firm has the background and track record to help your loved ones get the care they
deserve without having to go broke to get it. No matter what roadblocks we encounter
along the way, we have a highly experienced team that will navigate them efficiently.