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good start, you will not have a print-ready, finished product unless and until you surrender to the notion of hiring a writing collaborator.
The essence of seeking and collaborating with a ghostwriter requires the following basic elements: willingness to impart deeply held personal notions and precepts, a natural rapport with your collaborator, mutual trust and respect, and commitment to a fee schedule. There is a sanctity to telling your story – whether it be a fiction narrative or a memoir – to a complete stranger; but that initially unknown person (if he or she is “a good fit”) will amass your cognitive and emotional treasure troves and create magic.
I would like to believe that ghostwriters are, by nature, humanitarians – people people, who sincerely care about others and, even more significantly, view others as ourselves. We are, quite literally, heartbeats away from each other - individual microcosms of experience and emotion, inexorably intertwined with the Whole - the collective phenomenon called “Life.” Consequently, none of us can claim dominion over categories of ideas, feelings, and experiences. It has all been done, felt, and accessed before; however, no one interpolates or assimilates a feeling or experience in quite the same way. That is why, as we stand poised on the shoulders of history, gazing with anticipation at a destiny of our own creation, our individual stories cry out to us, urging us to unleash the creative process.
Such should be the raison d’etre of the ghostwriter who, in silencing the ego, sits quietlyandabsorbsotherworlds. Itispossible,youknow,forpeopletoliveand experience other lives – particularly ghosts, who should not have any hidden agendas, other than to be conduits of expression for others.
So, with that in mind, I humbly enunciate my own perspectives on the ghostwriting process which, I hope, will provide some enlightenment and set the dreamer on course.
The Basic Tools of Writing Collaboration
The author and ghostwriter each bring something unique to the table, but the key ingredient is their common humanity. As you begin the journey, consider these tips: