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             Parent involvement in early childhood education
           Parent involvement in early childhood education
               can extend the experiences that a child has
                 can extend the experiences that a child has
         inside the classroom to actual activities that happen
           inside the classroom to actual activities that happen
               in the home. Parents who are in tune with the
             in the home. Parents who are in tune with the
         Pre primary school curriculum and keep themselves
            Pre primary school curriculum and keep themselves
          updated with what is happening in their children’s
             updated with what is happening in their children’s
         classroom are better able to establish a connection
            classroom are better able to establish a connection
            between home and school. This connection is a
              between home and school. This connection is a
      key component of a child’s development and supporting
         key component of a child’s development and supporting
       further learning creates a positive experience for them.
          further learning creates a positive experience for them.
        This, in turn, helps them perform better academically.
          This, in turn, helps them perform better academically.
              In a nutshell, young children’s acquisition of
                 In a nutshell, young children’s acquisition of
       problem-solving, language, and social-emotional skills
          problem-solving, language, and social-emotional skills

      are facilitated by interactions with their parents. Parents
         are facilitated by interactions with their parents. Parents
         becoming more involved during the early childhood
            becoming more involved during the early childhood
              development period through cloud learning.
                development period through cloud learning.
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