Page 144 - Amata-one-report2020-en
P. 144

Statement of financial position

            Amata Corporation Public Company Limited and its subsidiaries
            Amata Corporation Public Company Limited and its subsidiaries
            As at 31 December 2020
            Statement of financial position
            As at 31 December 2019
                                                                                                     (Unit: Baht)
                                                       Consolidated financial statements  Separate financial statements
                                                 Note      2019          2018          2019          2018
            Current assets
            Cash and cash equivalents             8          1,074,420,539        1,151,758,551           122,768,629             68,092,365
            Current investments                   9          1,210,903,580           907,223,813           150,174,108           220,138,427
            Trade and other receivables           10            597,486,851           472,964,079           228,699,066           167,126,630
            Short-term loans to subsidiaries      7                                -                              -               7,015,686           310,616,628
            Real estate development costs         11         7,203,684,045        7,667,264,685        4,326,940,585        3,966,177,361
            Costs to obtain contracts with customers                8,309,710                              -                              -                              -
            Other current assets                                150,702,546             91,696,789             27,022,081             19,578,330
            Total current assets                           10,245,507,271      10,290,907,917        4,862,620,155        4,751,729,741
            Non-current assets
            Investments in subsidiaries           12                               -                              -           956,739,004           929,212,247
            Investment in joint venture           13            363,356,553             61,072,690           365,975,800             61,199,800
            Investments in associated companies   14         4,061,115,001        3,741,905,427        1,192,901,171        1,192,901,171
            Long-term loans to subsidiary         7                                -                              -           332,874,050             38,630,880
            Investment properties                 15         5,175,537,935        4,677,187,028        1,758,541,651        1,681,243,638
            Property, plant and equipment         16         2,104,011,988        2,092,718,671           162,094,149           144,572,745
            Deposits for purchase of land                       446,000,038           175,827,600             20,535,000                    99,000
            Prepayment for land-use rights        17         4,117,154,440        4,252,427,500                              -                              -
            Advance payment to Vietnamese government agency  18           181,283,851           194,585,893                              -                              -
            Land awaiting for future development  19         9,257,546,075        7,324,259,538        7,846,831,895        7,223,610,895
            Guarantee deposits for implementation of projects  20           136,928,082                              -                              -                              -
            Deferred tax assets                   29              59,869,309               6,150,383             58,216,816               5,043,756
            Other non-current assets                            249,094,432           204,390,223           114,841,543             85,164,450
            Total non-current assets                       26,151,897,704      22,730,524,953      12,809,551,079      11,361,678,582
            Total assets                                   36,397,404,975      33,021,432,870      17,672,171,234      16,113,408,323

            The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.

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