Page 156 - Amata-one-report2020-en
P. 156
Country of Paid-up capital Percentage of
Company’s name Nature of business incorporation as at 31 December shareholding
2020 2019 2020 2019
Million Baht Million Baht Percent Percent
Commercial development
Amata Township Long Thanh Vietnam 1,390,132 1,390,132 68 68
Company Limited (Million VND)
(94% held by Amata VN Public
Company Limited)
Amata City Halong Industrial estate development Vietnam 365,000 365,000 73 73
Joint Stock Company (Million VND)
(100% held by Amata VN Public
Company Limited)
Amata Service City Long Thanh 1 Commercial development Vietnam 500 500 68 68
Company Limited (Million VND)
(94% held by Amata VN Public
Company Limited and its subsidiary)
Amata Service City Long Thanh 2 Commercial development Vietnam 500 500 68 68
Company Limited (Million VND)
(94% held by Amata VN Public
Company Limited and its subsidiary)
Amata City Lao Sole Company Limited Industrial estate development Lao 339,300 - 100 -
(Thousand LAK)
Amata KWEG Education Co., Ltd. International school Thailand 11 11 51 51
(formerly known as Amata Kinderworld
Education Co., Ltd.
Amata Energy Co., Ltd. Holding company Thailand 1 1 100 100
b) The Company is deemed to have control over an investee or subsidiaries if it has rights,
or is exposed, to variable returns from its involvement with the investee, and it has
the ability to direct the activities that affect the amount of its returns.
c) Subsidiaries are fully consolidated, being the date on which the Company obtains
control, and continue to be consolidated until the date when such control ceases.
d) The financial statements of the subsidiaries are prepared using the same significant
accounting policies as the Company.
e) The assets and liabilities in the financial statements of overseas subsidiary companies
are translated to Baht using the exchange rate prevailing on the end of reporting period,
and revenues and expenses translated using monthly average exchange rates.
The resulting differences are shown under the caption of “Exchange differences on
translation of financial statements in foreign currency” in the statements of changes in
shareholders’ equity.
f) Material balances and transactions between the Group have been eliminated from the
consolidated financial statements.
156 56-1 One Report 2020