Page 16 - Amata-one-report2020-en
P. 16
Chairman’s Message
“The spreading of COVID-19 in 2020 did not consider as an obstruct
for the Company’s growth of business, operating under crisis,
and operate business under good corporate governance…
In 2020, we are honored to be selected by the ASEAN Asset Class
Publicly Listed Companies 2019 to be one of the listed companies receiving
the ASEAN CG Scorecard above 97.50 point… , the Company has been
certified as a part of Thailand’s Private Sector Collective Action against
Corruption (CAC) from 2nd quarter of the year 2020…”
Dear shareholders,
In the year 2020, all sectors, both social and economical aspects, was heavily impacted by the spreading
of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) among decades. Both Thai and global economies were slowed down
due to the spreading of COVID-19. As a result, the global economy is overall recession and does not achieve
the expected target.
However, Amata Corporation Public Company Limited (the “Company”) and the its subsidiaries have tried
to conduct business during the spreading of COVID-19 and were able to maintain the operating result with the
business growth in accordance with the Company’s strategy. The Company has been successful to change
its business model. from being an industrial estate developer for all global manufacturers to a leading
Smart City developer. The Smart City will provide a perfect investment area in the Eastern Special Development
Zone (EEC), support Country’s target industries investment, create the growth and additional economic value
to Thailand. This business model also responds to the changing of global trend.
In the year 2020, the Company had increased its registered capital for the first time by increasing its
registered capital from Baht 1,067,000,000 to Baht 1,150,000,000 baht by issuing 83,000,000 newly ordinary
shares at the par value of Baht 1 offering to the existing shareholders in accordance with their shareholding
proportion (Right Offering). As a result, the Company received Baht 979,400,000 (Nine Hundred Seventy-Nine Million
and Four Hundred Thousand Baht Only) from this right offering. In this regard, the capital delivered from this
right offering will be used in the development and investment of the Smart City Project in the Republic of the
Union of Myanmar. This is important growth which can lead to a development of manufacturing industry and
create a better, stable, and sustainable economic status.
Moreover, the Company is also known as a smart city developer in various countries, i.e., the Socialist
Republic of Vietnam, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, and Republic of the Union of Myanmar.
The Company is regarded and cooperated by private and government sectors in those countries.
The Company’s Board of Directors also puts the priority on the good corporate governance, and responsibility
to community, environment, and stakeholders. The Board realizes that the Company and its subsidiaries’ businesses
must respond to local communities and environment. The Company’s business philosophy “ALL WIN” as well as
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