Page 162 - Amata-one-report2020-en
P. 162

4.2   Leases

                  On adoption of TFRS 16, the Group recognised lease liabilities  in relation to leases that

                  previously classified as operating leases measured at the present value of the remaining
                  lease payments, discounted using the Group’s incremental borrowing rate as of 1 January
                  2020.  For leases  that previously classified  as  finance  leases, the  Group recognised  the

                  carrying amount of the lease assets and  lease liabilities  before transition as  right-of-use
                  assets and lease liabilities, respectively at the date of initial application.

            5.    Significant accounting policies

            5.1   Revenue recognition

                  a)  Revenue from sales of real estate and land-use rights with infrastructure systems

                     Revenue from  sales  of real estate  and land-use  rights  with  infrastructure  systems
                     (presented under the caption of “Revenue from real estate sales” in the consolidated
                     financial statements) are recognised at the point in time when control of the real estate

                     is  transferred  to  the  customer,  generally  upon  transfer  of  the  legal  ownership.
                     Revenue from  sales  of real estate  is  measured  at the amount  of the consideration
                     received after  deducting  discounts and considerations  payable  to the  customer.

                     The terms of payment are in accordance with the payment schedule specified in the
                     customer contract. Considerations received before transferring control of the real estate
                     to the customer are presented under the caption of “Advances received from customers”

                     in the statement of financial position.
                  b)  Sales of water

                     Sales of tap water and raw water, which are included in revenue from utility services, are
                     recognised when water is delivered to customers.

                  c)  Rendering of services

                     Service revenues, which include waste water treatment and management of common
                     areas of the industrial estates, which are included in revenue from utility services, are
                     recognised when  services have been  rendered taking  into  account the stage of

                  d)  Rental income

                     Rental income which consists of land rental, rental of office building and factory building
                     is recognised as an income on straight-line basis over the lease term.

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