Page 197 - Amata-one-report2020-en
P. 197


                   As at 31 December 2020, certain items of buildings and equipment of the Group were fully

                   depreciated but are still in use. The gross carrying amount before deducting accumulated
                   depreciation of those assets amounted to approximately Baht 1,113 million and the Company
                   only of Baht 345 million (2019: Baht 1,126 million and Baht 331 million, respectively).

             17.   Land awaiting for future development

                   Included in the balance as at 31 December 2020 is a part of the land awaiting for future

                   development of the Group amounting to Baht 28 million (31 December 2019: the Group of
                   Baht 1,306 million and the Company only of Baht 14 million), of which ownership has yet to
                   be transferred from the seller to the Group.

             18.   Prepayment for land-use rights

                   This amount represents  the payment  for  land-use rights  of  the  subsidiary  in  Vietnam,
                   to develop its industrial estate in  the future. Currently, it is in  the process of transferring
                   the land-use rights to the subsidiary. In this amount,  a total Baht  2,137 million  (2019:

                   Baht 2,142 million) are paid for land which the government has completed land expropriation

             19.   Advance payment to Vietnamese government agency

                   This  amount represents the advance that a  subsidiary in  Vietnam paid  to a  Vietnamese

                   government agency. The amount can be offset against the land rental that the government
                   will charge the subsidiary in the future. The subsidiary is currently exempt from land rental
                   until 2031.

             20.   Guarantee deposits for implementation of projects

                   This amount represents the deposits that a Vietnamese government agency required from

                   the subsidiaries to guarantee the development of its industrial estate. The deposits will be
                   returned by the progress of the projects.

             21.   Bank overdrafts and short-term loans from financial institutions

                                                                                              (Unit: Million Baht)
                                                                       Consolidated             Separate
                                                   Interest rate    financial statements   financial statements

                                                (percent for annum)   2020       2019       2020       2019
                    Bank overdrafts            MOR - 0.75 to + 0.50       -          -           -          -

                    Short-term loans from banks    1.95 - 6.25            -        557           -       200
                    Total                                                 -        557           -       200

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