Page 2 - mutiny bay webs magazine april 2 2016 version_Neat
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Flip page magazine are open 24 hours a day

These revolutionary flip books and emagazines enhances your
reading experience by viewing and reading as you turn pages
in a book. It also has features that will wow and impress clients
and your customers.
Flip book software is a ground-breaking technology aimed to
digital publication. This is the software utilized by our site to
create the effect of turning or “flipping” the pages of your digi-
tal book or document as if it were physically a actual real book.

         Websites and emagazines are open 24 hours a day
An e-magazine allows your business to be open 24 hours a
day, 7 days a week. There are millions of people, from all over
the world, online at any time of the day. Many of them are look-
ing to source products or services. If you run a conventional
brick and mortar business, you can only attract the people who
walk or drive past your shop, in any one day. ng a website de-
signed for you allows you to attract new customers and clients
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