Page 17 - Provet Cloud Description 11_2019_Neat
P. 17
Dashboard for referral patients
Provet Cloud provides a dedicated Referral dashboard for the patients referred from external practices. The
Referral dashboard main functions are supporting the pre-appointment booking management of the patient
and post-consultation management of the remaining tasks such as pending laboratory results or
communication to the referring veterinarian.
Accessible from the main dashboard, the Referral dashboard enables recording of the referral information and
planning the visit before the appointment is agreed with the client. All the patient’s bookings related to the
referral are visible in the dashboard which makes it easy to follow the patient flow in the hospital. It is possible
to link multiple visits to the main visits, for example diagnostic imaging, anaesthesia and surgery bookings.
The referral dashboard in Provet Cloud:
The information about the referring vet is carried with different appointments through the visit making the
communication to the referring vet easy at all times.
In the active consultation the referring veterinarian information is displayed for easy contacting and the link to
the referral is easily accessible. This helps clinicians to return to the referral details during the consultation.
Referral info on a consultation:
Feedback to the referring vet is made easy with dedicated feedback notes. It is possible to attach notes from
different services and send the full notes by email to the referring vet or they can be printed out if needed.