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Collection of Special Prayers

The Blessing Asher Yatsar            Megillat Esther
    Morning Blessings                Rosh Ha-Shana
      Birkot HaTorah              Yom Kippur Prayers
       Kriat Shemah             Releasing from Curses
     Bedtime Shemah            Protection From Evil Eye
     Candle Lighting          Prayer when Opening the
      Shabbat Songs                  Synagogue Ark
          Kiddush          Prayer Upon Leaving His House
                              Prayers and Supplications
  Blessings After Meals           Prayers and Thanks
         Havdalah                    Tikun HaKelali
                                     Bereshit Taman
Separating Off the Dough           Mizmor LeTodah
   Prayer for Children            Modim Derabanan
                                    Nishmat Kol Hai
Prayer for Our Children’s
           Success                       Kaddish
                                     Berikh Shemeh
   Prayer for Parnassah             Pitum HaKetoret
 Prayer for Finding Your
         Soulmate                        Siddurs
         Brit Milah            ...and much much more...
  Chanukah with Songs
       Tu Be-Shevat
  Hagadah Shel Pesach

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