Page 234 - Knack Knots You Need
P. 234
Figure 8 douBLe Loop
A variation of the figure 8 that creates twin
loops in the rope.
The figure 8 double loop (sometimes called “bunny If loops of differing sizes are needed, however, the loops
ears”) creates twin loops that allow a climber to secure can be adjusted to different sizes during the tying—and
one rope to two anchors. Once mastered, this knot ties they too will remain secure.
quickly and forms two secure fixed loops that will not al- As with the double bowline (see page 66), the figure
ter in size when weight is applied to either or both loops. 8 double loop could be used in an emergency as a chair
Figure 8 Double Loop: Step 1 Figure 8 Double Loop: Step 2
Knots You need: CLimBing Knots
Form a large bight in the rope and twist the Reach through the loop and grasp the doubled
bight into a loop as if starting a simple figure rope, as shown in the photograph.
8 (see page 28).
This knot is also used in camping and boating.