Page 249 - Knack Knots You Need
P. 249
unconscious person to be lowered. For use with a con- the loops could alter in size when the knot is weighted.
scious person, one loop goes around each leg and the Since better methods of attaching people to ropes have
person being lowered holds onto the rope. The loops are been developed, such as pre-sewn chairs, it is not recom-
easy to adjust during tying since the rope moves freely mended to use the Spanish bowline as a chair except in
through the knot. emergencies. Knotmaster Clifford Ashley referred to this
On the downside, the ease of adjustment of the loops knot by the unwieldy name of a double splayed loop in
means the final knot must be set very tight before use or the bight.
Spanish Bowline: Step 3 Spanish Bowline: Step 4
Knots You need: CLimBing Knots
Reach through the right-hand loop and grasp Bring the left loop through the right loop.
the left-hand loop.