Page 302 - Knack Knots You Need
P. 302

BLood Knot

 A knot used for joining two lines of the same

 When two lines are approximately the same diameter,   differing diameter, but the thinner line should be dou-
 especially monofilament, the blood knot serves to join   bled for more security.
 them in a fairly strong connection. It is sometimes called       Several variations of the knot exist. They entail wrap-
 the barrel knot, referring to the fact that the tightened   ping the lines around each other from the outside to-
 knot takes on a barrel shape. It can be used on lines of   ward the center instead of wrapping them around each

 Blood Knot: Step 1  Blood Knot: Step 2

 Knots You need: FisHing Knots

 Lay the working ends of the two lines along-  Holding the lines and turns in position, make
 side each other and make five to seven turns   an equal number of turns of the second line
 of one line around the other.   around the first.

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