Page 390 - Knack Knots You Need
P. 390

CHinese FLat Knot

 A knot that lies flat to form a mat.

 Flat knots, as the name suggests, lie flat and are essen-  as where potted plants rest on furniture. The Chinese flat
 tially,  though  not  technically,  two-dimensional  knots.   knot enlarges a carrick bend (see page 54), joining two
 There are many flat knots, most commonly used as mats   cords of the same diameter. The cords may be the same
 for the home or boat. They may function as trivets for the   color or contrasting colors—but with contrasting colors
 table or to decoratively protect areas from rubbing such   the interweaving is easier to follow, at least for someone

 Chinese Flat Knot: Step 1  Chinese Flat Knot: Step 2

 Knots You need: deCorative Knots

 Lay the cord as if beginning a carrick bend (see   Begin  to  tuck  the  four  diagonal  ends  back
 page 54) as shown in the photograph.  through the bend as shown in the photograph.

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