Page 22 - Professional Profile 2021 - Brian Selem and Mauricio Umansky | The Agency
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            Your Property's                                                                                  PUBLIC RELATIONS  HIGHLIGHTS

            Global Debut                                                                             2,096 Media  l ace111e11ts
                                                                                                               i11 2019  l o11e

                                                                                                        6 Media Hits Per Day,

                                                                                                             365 Days A Year

                                                                                                         THAT'S SIX REPORTERS A DAY  WRITING
                                                                                                      DEDICATED STORIES ABOUT THE AGENCY AND
                                                                                                                    OUR PROPERTIES

                                                                                                             Media Hits That

                                                                                                    Translate to Sales Activity

            The Agency has become a commanding force in the industry by
            harnessing the power of the media to ensure maximum exposure
            for the properties we represent. Our  Public Relations team
            leverages relationships with traditional  and new media outlets,
            to give each property a distinct voice-a story people want to be                        Los Angeles & New York­
            a part of and aspire to attain. The PR team has also positioned
            The Agency as an influential voice in the industry. Our agents                       Based Public Relatio11s Tea1n
            are called upon to provide market insight and create bylined
            articles for leading industry publications, such as Worth, Inman
            and International Banker.
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