Page 12 - Professional Profile - 2021 - 2
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            Real Estate                                               The Agency has offices in some of the world's most coveted real estate markets,
                                                                      allowing us to serve our clients with a full scope of residential, commercial, luxury
            witl1 Real Experience                                     leasing, vacation rental and new development real estate services.  Our established
                                                                      position in prime, first- and second-home markets allows us to better serve our
                                                                      clients by expanding our reach among high-net-worth buyers.  We are also able
            OUR  OFFICES                                              to specifically  target markets with buyers particularly interested in your location.

            GREATER LOS ANGELES  ARIZONA                  THE CARIBBEAN                                    BEVERLY HILLS
            BEVERLY HILLS            SCOTTSDALE           TURKS  & CAICOS
            CALABASAS                UTAH                MEXICO                  Involved i11 ?5% of all LA area sales
            DTLA                     PARK CITY           LOS CABOS
            MALIBU                                        TODOS SANTOS                     over $20 1nillion i11 2019
            PACIFIC PALISADES        COLORADO            LA PAZ
            PASADENA                 ASPEN               PUNTA DE MITA
            SHERMAN OAKS                                 PUERTO VALLARTA
            VENICE                   FLORIDA             RIVIERA MAYA                                          ALAMO
                                     FORT LAUDERDALE
            ORANGE COUNTY            MIAMI
            CORONA DEL MAR                                                          Acl1ieved tl1e l1igl1est sale in tl1e
            LAGUNA BEACH             WASHINGTON D.C.
                                     D.C. METRO                                       East Bay i11 ?019 at $7 million
            PALM DESERT              CANADA
                                     COWi CHAN
            NORTHERN CALIFORNIA  VICTORIA                                                                 TURKS  & CAICOS
            CARMEL                   KITCHENER
            ALAMO                    TORONTO
            HEALDSBURG                                                                 More tl1a11 doubled our sales
            SAN FRANCISCO                                                                           volume i11 2019
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