P. 160

Sports Bottles

     MG3001                            TEMP       MG0445                           VARO
     TEMPLID                                      VARO 500ML BOTTLE
     500ML BOTTLE                           BK    500ml double walled,          RD  BK WH GM
     500ml double walled                          stainless steel, drinks bottle
     recycled stainless                           with a PP plastic lid and
     steel smart drinks                           silicone carry handle.
     bottle with LED                              Keeps hot and cold
     temperature display                          drinks at the perfect
     lid and features a                           temperature. BPA
     removable stainless                          and PVC free.
     steel strainer                               Size: 220 x 72mm dia.
     compartment.                                 Print: 170 x 120mm
     BPA and PVC free.                            Certs: Conforms to
     Size: 228 x 64mm dia.                        articles in contact
     Print: 170 x 140mm                           with food regulations
     Certs: Conforms to                           100/£10.77  250/£9.97
     articles in contact                          500/£9.22
     with food regulations                        MOQ: 25pcs
     250/£9.08  500/£8.40
     MOQ: 25pcs

     MG0446                            MIRO       MG0634                       MANOLO
     MIRO 375ML BOTTLE                            MANOLO 630ML BOTTLE
      375ml double walled,               BK  GM   630ml RSS double walled,             BK  WH
     stainless steel, drinks                      stainless steel vacuum bottle
     bottle with a PP rubber                      with colour powder coating.
     and plastic lid. Slimline                    BPA and PVC free.
     and durable with a great                     Size: 247 x 73mm dia.
     branding area. BPA and                       Print: 170 x 100mm
     PVC free. Available                          Certs: Conforms to
     in black and gun metal.                      articles in contact
     Size: 230 x 60mm dia.                        with food regulations
     Print: 150 x 120mm                           100/£12.63  250/£11.69
     Certs: Conforms to                           500/£10.80
     articles in contact with                     MOQ: 25pcs
     food regulations
     MOQ: 25pcs

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