P. 216
Seeds •
Welcome to Promotional Seeds
We offer a diverse range of over 20 innovative a rewarding planting experience. Not only will
products, from eye-catching seed packets to you showcase your logo, but you’ll also give a
fully bespoke grow kits, designed to leave a gift that grows and comes to life, reminding
lasting impression. With more than 30 seed recipients of your brand time and time again.
varieties, including flowers, herbs, and
vegetables, you’ll find the perfect With options for customisable packaging,
match to represent your brand’s allowing you to showcase logos in new
unique identity. ways. With full-colour printing and
a variety of sizes to choose from,
Our seeds are carefully grown you can create a design that’s as
across the world and our expert vibrant and unique as your brand.
suppliers then test the quality in Whether it’s a corporate giveaway,
their innovative lab in Holland, to promotional campaign, or event
ensure top-quality germination favour, these products are guaranteed
and growth, giving your recipients to grow your brand recognition.
Where your ideas take root!