Page 15 - WFJ DOW WC_Draft 9
P. 15

                     “Overcoming Life’s Crisis Through the Power of Christ”

                              Friday, the Twelfth Day of May, Two Thousand Twenty-Three

                                                           10:00 AM

              Time of Intercession..................................................................................Jurisdictional Intercessors
                                                                                            Mother Eloise Perry
                                                                                        Evangelist Tammie Cain

                                                           10:30 AM

                                                DIVINE ORDER OF SERVICE


                                              District Missionary Lois Dawson

                                                  THE CALL TO WORSHIP

              The Invocation.........................................................................Assistant Supervisor Deborah Tasker

              The Scripture Reading.............................................................District Missionary Sylvia Lumpkins
              The Songs of the Church.........................................................District Missionary Antoinette Bent

                                            OFFICIAL CONFERENCE ADDRESS
                                                  Mother Billie Joe Thomas
                                                Jurisdictional Supervisor -WI First

              The Observation............................................................................Supervisor Valerie Daniels-Carter
                                                                                Executive Leadership Team Chairlady
                                                                           Jurisdictional Supervisor-Kenya East Africa

                                                THE MINISTRY OF GIVING

              The Benediction.............................................................................District Missionary Jurlean Bailey
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