Page 82 - HKPASEA Youth Elite Aspiration Program
P. 82

第 二 屆 「 專 資 青 年 追 夢 計 劃 」



           中文全名﹕                   葉恩彤
           英文全名﹕                   Yip Yan Tung (Angel)
           性別﹕                     女
           職業﹕                     全職學生
           就讀學校名稱﹕                 香港大學
           就讀年級﹕                   二年級
           主修科目﹕                   BBA(Acc&Fin)
           最高資歷﹕                   N/A
           語言﹕                     廣東話,英語,普通話

           1.  您對「專資青年追夢計劃」的期望
               It is hoped that I would be able to equip myself with more professional knowledge,
               personal  skills  and  interpersonal  skills  through attending  an  array  of  talks  and
               visits.  Moreover,  I  hope  that  I  would  develop  a  lifelong  relationship  with  my
               trainers and also teammates and learn from them, in order to explore my goals and
               career paths.

           2.  您對工作或事業的期望
               As I  love  communicating  with  others  and  present  my  ideas,  I  am  interested  in
               consulting industry, fin-tech and social enterprises. I hope that I will be able to
               work in those fields and contribute to society.

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