Page 50 - BRP 綠色課程之旅報告2022.11.18.
P. 50


               摘要 Abstract

                     本報告基於聯合國的  17  個可持續發展目標及其具體目標的背景下,希望


               析,礙於時間關係,本報告將選取其中一個可持續發展目標 SDG8 就業與經濟增

               長  ,  具  體  目  標    SDG8.2(透過多元化,技術升級與創新實現更高水準的經濟生產


               討學校相關項目的優劣所得,並提出建議。希望在香港 2050  年碳中和前,母校




               關鍵詞:可持續發展目標、環保、綠                          色

               This report is based on the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and
               related aims. We would like to take Ho Yu College as a case to analyze the school’s effort in

               promoting environmental and sustainable development. Due to limited time, this report will

               only select SDG 8 Employment and Economic Growth as our focus, specifically for SDG 8.2
               (Achieve  higher  levels  of  economic  productivity  through  diversification,  technological

               upgrading and innovation, including through a focus on high-value added and labour-intensive
               sectors). We will discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the school in related projects and

               give out our recommendations. It is hoped that the school can position itself in a better place

               by adopting strategies in environmental, sustainable and green development and technology
               before Hong Kong achieves carbon neutrality in 2050. We hope Ho Yu College can have a

               leading  role  in  pushing  other  schools  to  follow  its  steps  in  promoting  environmental,
               sustainable and green development, bringing its reputation and recognition.

               Keywords: SDG, eco-friendly, green

               報告三. 可嗇色園主辦可譽中學暨可譽小學                                                                  45
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