P. 18
The Barrio Countryside
T he lowland areas of Luzon and Visayas are home to many people
living in the countryside. The people under the sun are known for their Saradpon Photography
lively music and dance by bringing attention to themselves as they
imitate different animals and playing various games. The playful
imagination of the Filipinos created the PASIGIN dance. Using
movements of excited fishermen scooping after schools of fish,
intricate footwork and dexterous swishing, swashing, scooping,
and sifting gave the pasigin that chase and run character. In
the dusk of night, fireflies emerge as they bring light to the
barrios in PANDANGGO SA ILAW. They dance all through the
evening, making a large celebration for the neighborhood
by swinging their lanterns in OASIOAS. As morning comes,
a senorita sings about a new day and the beauty of nature
in the provincial towns with MALIGAYANG ARAW. She
is draped in a Filipiniana resembling a butterfly with
elegant wings in this classical song. At the SUBLIAN
festival, it is largely popular for townspeople to
celebrate in honor of the Holy Cross of Alitagtag
set on an altar. During weddings in Pangasinan,
A couple then tests their balancing and dance
prowess as they excite others with their effortless
display of skill while doing hops and skips atop
a wooden bench in SAYAW SA BANGKO. In
addition, the party-goers do movements
known as BINASUAN in which they balance
drinking glasses on their head while doing
intricate arm movements. It is said that if
a dancer spills their drink or falls off the
benches, that the marriage is jinxed.
Perhaps the most well known dance of
the Philippines, TINIKLING is named
after the long-legged tikling bird
that was said to easily maneuver its
way through bamboo traps set up
by farm workers. Dancers display
their agility by effortlessly
hopping in and out of rapidly
closing bamboo poles. As
festivities end, barrio folk
say MABUHAY to each Photography by Saradpon Photography
other in wishing an
everlasting life of fortune
and prosperity. ~ page number ~