Page 5 - Dar-jeddah 01
P. 5

Dar Jeddah        5
           About us.

                                                                                             نحن نم

          Our goal is to deliver quality services through professional, highly-efficient

          designs, to assure our customers of our personal interest and professionalism at all times,
          and to give a different sense of the quality of our unique engineering services, as we look
          through the eyes of our customers and as they are able to see what is best for them and

          devote most attention to getting the best design,
          to getting the best results for them.
                          انئامعل دـــكؤن نأو ، ةيلاع ةءاــفك تاذو ةــيفارتحا مــيمصت رــبع ةدوــجلا ةــيلاع تاــمدخ مدــقن نأ اــنفده

                          ةيــسدنهلا اــنتامدخ ةدوــج نــع فــلتخم روعــش ءاــطعاو تاـــقولإا لك يــف اـــنتيفارتحاو يـــصخشلا انماـــمتها

                          ناو مــهل ةبــسنب لــضفأ وــهام ةــيؤر ىــلع ردــقلاا مــهنلأو اــنئامع نوــيع رــبع رــظنن نــحنف ، ةدــيرفلاو ةزــيمتملا

                                                           .مــهل جــئاتنلا لــضفأ قــيقحتل ، مــيمصت لــضفأ ىــلع لوــصحلل اــمامتها لــج سرــكن

          Our Vision is to become one of the leading consulting firms with                                                                                        
          increasing influence in local and global markets, with a focus on serving our

          customers and a commitment to delivering the best quality services.

                                                  نوــكن نأو ةــيلاعلا ةدوــجلا تاذ ةيــسدنهلا تاــمدخلا مــيدقت يــف قوــفتن نأ  اــنتيؤر

                                                  عــم ،ةــيملاعلا و ةــيلحملا قاوــسلأا يــف دــيازتم رــيثأت تاذ ةدــئارلا ةيراــشتسلاا بــتاكملا ىدــحإ
                                                       . ةــيلاعلا ةدوــجلا تاذ تاــمدخلا لــضفأ مــيدقتب مازــتللااو اــنئامع ةــمدخ ىــلع زــيكرتلا
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