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Rita Asfour transferred the original paintings in this exhibition from her private collection to
 The Rita Asfour Fine Arts Foundation, a non-profit, 501(c)3, organization.
 It was started in 2016 to help visual and performing artists.

 In compliance with UNLV policies the sale of the paintings, and prints,
 will only be available at the foundation website

 Proceeds from this exhibit will benefit          Contents
 UNLV - College of Fine Arts
 KNPR -  Nevada Public Radio
 Vegas PBS - Nevada Public Broadcasting System
                       Introduction ..................................................................................... 9
 All images individually copyrighted © 2016
                       Ballerinas ....................................................................................... 13

                       Showgirls ....................................................................................... 27

                       Self-Portraits .................................................................................. 39

                       Galleries and Publications ................................................................ 42

                       Artist Biography .............................................................................. 43
 Photography by Robert Park
 Special thanks to artist and photographer Robert Park for the advanced lighting and photographic
 techniques he used for the proper imaging of the reflective media used in the paintings of the showgirls.

 Published by
 Fine Art Publishers
 Layout and Design by Fine Art Publishers.
 All  rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions.
 No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying,
 recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the publisher.

 Printed in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
 First Printing August 2016
 ISBN 978-0-9979579-0-7

 Front cover:  “Waiting”
 Back cover:  “Catch me if you can”
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