Page 5 - Rita Asfour 2016 Coffee Table Book
P. 5
Rita Asfour
An impressionist who ignored the advice of critics to chose a single theme.
Rita continued to paint many subjects, in many colors, and many mediums.
“The imitator is a poor kind of creature. If the man who paints only the tree, or flower, or
other surface he sees before him were an artist, the King of artists would be the photogra-
pher. It is for the artist to do something beyond this; in portrait painting to put on canvas
something more than the face the model wears for that one day; to paint the man, in short, as
well as his features.”
James Whistler
“Of all kinds of painting, figure painting is the most difficult; then comes landscape paint-
ing, and next dogs and horses. High towers and pavilions are definite things; they are diffi-
cult to execute, but easy to handle since they do not demand insight.”
Ku K’ai-Chih
A.D. 344-406
“Now art should never try to be popular. The public should try to make itself artistic.”
Oscar Wilde
Rita Asfour Self-Portrait, Circa 1980