Page 7 - 28 June 2024
P. 7

THE REPORTER 28 JUNE 2024      · PAGE 7

                                                                                                                         K9 SUPPORT CRIME
                                                                                                                       PREVENTION ACTIVITIES
                                                                                                                    IN THE JOE GQABI DISTRICT
                                                                                                               Last  weekend  the  Khowa   possession.
                                                                                                               (Elliot)  K9  unit  that  work   Later  the  same  day  the
                                                                                                               across District borders con-  members  stopped  a  Toyota
                                                                                                               tributed to the following suc-  Quantum vehicle at a vehicle
                                                                                                               cesses in Joe Gqabi District:  check  point  on  the  R412.
                                                                   SWIFT REACTION LED TO THE                   On 21 June 2024 members   The vehicle had no number
                                                              ARREST OF STOCK THEFT SUSPECTS                   followed up on positive infor-  plates  or  valid  license.  The
                                                                                                               mation  at  Nqanqaru  main   vehicle  was  impounded  for
                                                              21  June  2024:  Members   and  33  were  arrested  for   road in town and arrested a   further  investigation  and
                                                              attached  to  Burgersdorp   possession  of  stolen  stock   female suspect aged 30 for   referred  to  the  Aliwal  North
                                                              SAPS  followed  up  on   and one aged 35 for receiv-  the possession of drugs and   Vehicle investigation unit.
             Ons wens die volgende tagtigjariges van harte geluk   information  they  received   ing suspected stolen meat.   confiscated 7 sachets of tik.  The  suspects  will  appear  in
             met hul verjaarsdae en wens hulle alles van die beste   about sheep that are being   All five suspects will appear   Saturday, 22 June 2024 they   the  respective  magistrate
             vir die toekoms toe:                             sold and swiftly proceeded to   at  the  Burgersdorp  magis-
                                                              the area with the assistance   trate  court  on  Monday  the   assisted  Barkly  East  Detec-  courts.
             We congratulate the following octogenarians on their   of  Stock  theft  members.   24th of June 2024.   tives  and  arrested  wanted   The  Joe  Gqabi  District
             birthdays and wish them everything of the best for the   Thorough  investigation  led   The  Joe  Gqabi  District   suspects on a burglary busi-  C o m m i s s i o n e r   M a j o r
             future:                                          police to six different houses                   ness  case  and  an  undocu-  General  Lindelwa  Vellem
                                                              in  Dubai  and  Thembisa   Commissioner  Major  Gen.l   mented  person.  During  the   welcomed  the  arrests  and
             Marx van Rooyen, 93 op 6 Julie                   localities  where  they  found   Lindelwa  Vellem  commen-  investigation  a  suspect  was   confiscations  and  thanked
             Faan de Klerk, 88 op 11 Julie                    sheep  carcasses.  It  was   ded  the  members  for  the   also arrested for theft and a   the  members  from  K9  for
             Albert Pagel, 87 op 21 Julie                     reported that the stock was   swift  response  in  ensuring   toolbox recovered.   their  commitment  and
                                                              stolen  from  a  farm  outside   the recovery and arrests as   On  Sunday  the  members   dedication  and  supporting
                                                              Burgersdorp. They recover-  stock theft is identified as a   were  busy  with  stop  and   our stations in our same goal
                                                              ed 19 live sheep, the intes-  priority crime in the area and   search duties when they were   and that is to fight crime.
                                                              tines, heads and feet of 18   the  arrests  is  seen  as  a   requested by the Ugie secu-
                                                              slaughtered  sheep  next  to   breakthrough  in  our   rity  company  for  assistance
                                                              the  local  dam.  Out  of  40   investigation.   as information was received
                                                              sheep  that  were  reported                      of a suspect stealing corn on
                                                              stolen Police managed to re-                     a farm.
                                                              cover 37 sheep to the value                      The  members  immediately
                                                              of R 100 000 and were hand-                      assisted  and  managed  to
                                                              ed over to the lawful owner.
                                                                                                               arrest a 56 year old suspect
                                                              On further investigation two                     with the 11 bags of corn in his
                                                              additional suspects aged 26

                                                               Hierdie  lys  van  funksies  en  gebeure    word
                                                               gepubliseer  in  ‘n  poging  om  te  verhoed  dat
                                                               belangrike fondsinsameling pogings bots. Funksies
                                                               geplaas op voorwaarde dat ‘n advertensie later
                                                               geplaas  word.  ‘n  Rekening  sal  gestuur  word
                                                               indien daar nie ‘n advertensie geplaas word nie.
                                                                             NOVEMBER 2024
                                                               1   Dienssentrum Basaar
                                                               30  Summer Festival
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