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Support Material Product Material
We at The Kontrol Group offer all our customers As with our support material, The Kontrol Group provide a complete product
as much product training and information as they brochure for you and your customers. We’re conscious about being able to
think their teams require. Whether this is an deliver this as effectively and as environmentally friendly as possible which is
educational talk on why moisture control is why we have decided to provide this in an electronic form.
important or simple product catalogue explaining
We provide our brochure to you via email with a dedicated link for your
key features for our entire range, we want to
business. We can also customise this to include your branding and if required
make sure that you and your team feel confident
your customer price list to help you and your customers in choosing the right
in talking about our products.
Kontrol product to match their needs.
For more information please discuss with one of
Please talk to one of our team for more information
our team about arranging a product training
on creating your own Moisture Kontrol Brochure.
session or to arrange for additional information
on one or all of our product range. LEADERS IN DAMP