Page 23 - Newsletter SEPTEMBER 23
P. 23

TechVertu  ACE

        Health & Safety Award Win...
        Ace  were  awarded  Gold  at  the  2023
        Health  and  Safety  Awards  for  the  5th
        consecutive year...

        The award is one of the most prestigious
        and  recognised  health  and  safety
        schemes in the world. Having run for 67
        years with almost 2000 entries every year
        from more than 50 countries and a total
        reach of more than 7 million employees...
        the Ace team did brilliantly!

                                               Mardyke Valley

                                                               Whats Been Happening at

                                                               Mardyke Valley Golf Club...
                                                               We have experienced the best summer
                                                               I  have  known  at  the  club  this  year,
                                                               with  the  temperatures  not  being  too
                                                               harsh  and  steady  rainfall  throughout
                                                               the summer. This means the course is in
                                                               excellent condition for this time of year
                                                               and the best I’ve ever seen it - thanks to
                                                               the endless efforts by Tony Sharman and
                                                               his team  and  a  little  help  from  Mother
        We are offering John F Hunt staff a 20%                Nature!
         reduction on all membership packages!

                                                               Membership renewals went well, with a
                                                               slight  reduction  in  retention.  However,
                                                               we have again grown slightly with many
                                                               new members joining.

                                                               Our partnership with  BRS Golf / Golf Now
                                                               is  still  going  well,  and  we  continue  to
                                                               offer green fee booking and payments
                                                               via our website. All members can make
                                                               bookings, pay their fees, manage their
                                                               handicaps  and  book  buggies  via  the
                                                               members app.

            We want to remind all John F Hunt staff that anyone wishing to host an event
                   at the club will receive preferential rates when booking the venue.
                                         Click here for more information.

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