Page 49 - Organizational Project Management
P. 49

Chapter 5—The OPM3 Directories

                5.3 SAMPLE DIRECTORY PAGES
                      Following are examples of the formatting of each of the three OPM3 Direc-
                      tories. Note that the abbreviation “PPP” refers to the three domains of
                      Project, Program, and Portfolio management. The abbreviation “SMCI”
                      refers to the four stages of process improvement: Standardize, Measure,
                      Control, and continuously Improve. The abbreviation “IPECC” refers to the
                      five project management process groups: Initiating, Planning, Executing,
                      Controlling, and Closing.

                      BP ID  Title        Description
                                                                              Project   Program   Portfolio   Standardize   Measure   Control   Improve

                      1000 Establish      The organization has policies describing the
                           Organizational   standardization, measurement, control, and
                           Project        continuous improvement of organizational   X  X  X  X  X  X  X
                           Management     project management processes.
                      1010 Project Initiation    Project Initiation  Process standards are
                           Process        established.                       X          X
                      1020 Project Plan   Project Plan Development Process standards are
                           Development    established.                       X          X
                      1030 Project Scope   Project Scope Planning Process standards are
                           Planning Process   established.                   X          X
                      1040 Project Scope   Project Scope Definition Process standards are
                           Definition Process  established.                  X          X
                      1050 Project Activity   Project Activity Definition Process standards are
                           Definition Process  established.                  X          X
                      1060 Project Activity   Project Activity Sequencing Process standards
                           Sequencing     are established.                   X          X
                      1070 Project Activity   Project Activity Duration Estimating Process
                           Duration       standards are established.         X          X
                           Estimating Process
                      1080 Project Schedule   Project Schedule development Process
                           development    standards are established.         X          X
                      1090 Project Resource   Project Resource Planning Process standards
                           Planning Process   are established.               X          X
                      1100 Project Cost   Project Cost Estimating Process standards are
                           Estimating Process  established.                  X          X
                      1110 Project Cost   Project Cost Budgeting Process standards are
                           Budgeting Process  established.                   X          X

                   Figure 5-1: Sample Page of Best Practices Directory

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