Page 16 - Table of Contents Chapter 1 Georgia’s Teenage and Adult Driver x Responsibility Act (TADRA) Chapter 2 Traffic Laws & Safe Driving x Chapter 3 Alcohol and Drug Awareness x Chapter 4 Summary and Discussion x Parent/Teen Driving Agreement x Messages
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Chapter 1: TADRA                                         •   In Georgia, the term “passenger vehicle”
                                                                         means every motor vehicle, including, but not
               •   TADRA is an acronym for Georgia’s                     limited to, pickup trucks, vans, and sport
                   Teenage and Adult Driver Responsibility Act.          utility vehicles designed to carry 15

               •   According to the Centers for Disease                  passengers or fewer and used for the
                   Control and Prevention (CDC), motor                   transportation of persons.
                   vehicle crashes are the leading cause of          •   Two or  more  peer  passengers  more than
                   death for U.S. teens, accounting for more             triples  the risk  of  a fatal  crash with a teen
                   than one in three deaths in this age group.           behind the wheel.
                   About seven (7) teens ages 16 to 19 die
                   everyday from motor vehicle injuries.             •   Maintaining at least a 3-second space margin
                                                                         between your vehicle and the vehicle in front
               •   Pursuant to “Joshua’s Law,” proof of having           of  you  not  only  provides  you with  visibility,
                   completed an approved driver training                 time,  and space to help  avoid rear-end
                   course consisting of at least 30 hours of             crashes, but also allows you to steer or brake
                   theoretical instruction (classroom or online)         out of danger at moderate speeds.
                   and 6 hours of practical behind-the-wheel
                   instruction (instructor or parent taught) is      •   The Hands-Free Georgia Act (O.C.G.A. §40-
                   required to obtain a Provisional License              6-241) prohibits the use of handheld devices
                   (Class D) at age 16 or 17.During the first            while driving a motor vehicle.
                   six months following the issuance of  a
                   Provisional  License  (Class  D),  only  the   Chapter 3: Alcohol and Drug Awareness
                     driver's  immediate family  members

                   may ride in the vehicle.                          •   Alcohol is used by young people in the

                                                                         United States  more often  than tobacco or

               •   The   term  “immediate  family  member”               illicit drugs.

                   includes the license holder’s  parents  and
                   step-parents,  grandparents,  siblings  and       •   The minimum legal drinking age in Georgia is
                   step-siblings, children, and any other person         21.
                   who   resides  at  the  license  holder’s
                   residence.                                        •   Marijuana  continues  to  be  the  most
                                                                         commonly used illicit drug among youth in the
               •   In Georgia,  persons  under  21 years  of  age        United States.
                         vehicle      blood
                             or                                      •   Georgia law bans the sale and possession of
                     are presumed to be DUI,        in                   “bath salts”  and  K2,  a  substance more

                   violation of O.C.G.A. §40-6-391(k)(1).                commonly    referred  to  as   “synthetic
                                                                         marijuana,” and marketed as incense.
                                                                     •   In Georgia,  pursuant  to  O.C.G.A.  §40-5-75,
            Chapter 2: Traffic Laws and Safe Driving                     the  driver’s  license  of  any  person convicted
               •   Safety  belts  have proven  to be the most            of driving or  being in actual physical control
                   effective  occupant  protection in all  types  of     of  any  moving vehicle while under  the
                   vehicle crashes.                                      influence of  a controlled substance or
                                                                         marijuana shall be suspended by operation of
               •   Driving at high speeds or "going too fast"            law.
                   reduces a driver’s ability to steer safely
                   around curves or objects in the roadway,          •   Refusal to submit to state-administered
                   extends the distance necessary to stop a              chemical tests of your blood, breath, urine, or
                   vehicle, and decreases the reaction time              other bodily substances for the purpose of
                   needed to avoid a dangerous situation.                determining if you are under the influence of
                                                                         alcohol or drugs will result in the suspension
               •   The fatal crash rate of teenage drivers 16-19         of your Georgia driver’s license and privilege
                   years of age is about four times as high at           to drive on the highways of this state for a
                   night.                                                minimum period of 1 year for each refusal.

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