Page 18 - December Scoop Newsletter 2022
P. 18

During  the  Third  Quarter,  2022,  (July,  August,  and  September),  there  were  762  compliments
      submitted  by  customers  for  DDS  Team  Members’  exceptional  customer  service.  This  was  an
      increase of 435 compliments over the previous quarter.

      During the third quarter, District 1 received the most compliments with 201 total compliments. The
      top Customer Service Center was the Dalton CSC with 82 total compliments. Congratulations to
      District 1 DM, Casey Smith and Dalton CSC manager, Adonia Jaramillo and the entire Dalton team,
      for continuing to provide exceptional customer service to our customers.

      The  examiner  with  the  most  compliments  during  the  period  was  Assistant  Manager  Melissa
      Deguzman, Lawrenceville CSC. Melissa received a total of 26 compliments during the quarter. This
      is the third time Melissa has been the top examiner for the most compliments during a quarter.

      During  the  second  quarter,  CSC  team  members  received  a  total  of  762  compliments.  Forty-four
      different CSC’s received compliments, and 177 different team members received compliments for
      their exceptional customer service.

      Additionally,  the  Contact  Center  received  6  compliments  during  the  quarter.  Monique  Geddis
      received the most compliments of all the Contact Center team members.

      Deputy Commissioner Rich presented Deputy Commissioner Coins to District One Manager Casey
      Smith, Dalton CSC Manager Adonia Jaramillo, Lawrenceville Assistant Manager Melissa Deguzman
      and Contact Center Agent Monique Geddis for leading the state in the number of compliments for
      a District, CSC, Examiner, and Contact Center team member during the Third Quarter, 2022.
      Listed in the charts below were the top five Districts, CSC’s and Team Members during the period.

      Congratulations to all the top 5 winners for their continuous Exceptional Customer Service to our
      customers. Thanks, and congratulations to ALL team members that received compliments during
      this period. You define the culture and image of DDS. Please keep up the great work.
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